qmail delete all emails from specific domain in queue
I installed qmailhandle and tried to delete using wildcards and it didn’t work. This command however does. /usr/bin/qmhandle.pl -h’\@domain’
I installed qmailhandle and tried to delete using wildcards and it didn’t work. This command however does. /usr/bin/qmhandle.pl -h’\@domain’
To retry all the emails in the qmail queue kill -ALRM `ps ax | grep [q]mail-send | awk ‘{print $1}’`
Recently I have been getting quite a few spam problems where the spammers were using valid smtp auth accounts on my server. They have either […]
If you get unusual errors when uploading a file via http check the error log. If you see this error message [Tue May 27 17:55:15 […]
I need a list of domains to use in a script for rebuilding a DNS server. This did the job. mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` psa […]
A client contact me today to say he had received an email from his dedicated hosting provider stating that his server was sending out masses […]
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#!/usr/bin/perl $REGEXP = shift || die "no email-adress given (regexp-style, e.g. bl.*\@yahoo.com)!"; @data = qx</usr/sbin/postqueue -p>; for (@data) { if (/^(\w+)(\*|\!)?\s/) { $queue_id = $1; […]
A server I manage hosts around 200 sites each owned by different webmasters. A number of these have form to mail style scripts. A small […]
Please note, I did this using a linux client on a linux server. My desktop is linux mint and the server is Centos. You can […]
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