Quickly get backup drive attached on OVH.

OVH offer a backup service that can be connected via CIFS, FTP and NFS.

Getting it connected via NFS is fast on Linux. These instructions are for use with Debian 12 but may work on others.

In your ovh panel, go to the server you want to manage, select “Backup storage” from the tab strip. Click the three dots icon to the right and select modify the access.
Disable them all and enable NFS.

Make a backup directory.
mkdir /mnt/backup

Install nfs
apt install nfs-common

Make sure it is loaded
modprobe nfs

Then get the name and the ID from your OVH control panel and run this command. Replace name and id with those from your OVH panel.
mount -t nfs :/export/ftpbackup/ /mnt/backup/

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