PHP Development Software

I have been asked a few times about the development software I use and after my last post I thought I would give you a list of what I find most effective.

  • PHPEd is a very nice IDE, it has a few niggles but on the whole I find it far superior to the others that I have tried.
  • FrontPage Yeah I know its a bag of you know what. I just find it handy for generating bare HTML form code and tables. I then edit the source window before copying and pasting it into PhpEd. When I can be bothered I will look for a new OSS html editor that does the business on both Windows and Linux
  • RegExpBuddy – A fantastic tool for creating and testing your regular expressions. All POSTED or GET’d variables go through a regular expression check before being allowed anywhere near my code for security reasons and it is nice to whack a load of tests at my regexps prior to letting them go live. This is a great bit of software for fast testing. I use a large range of text files that I have built up over the years to test with. These have been taken from real world apache log files containing attempted attacks on servers I manage. I strip all the extraneous information out and generate attack urls using variable within my applications. I will make a post on this at a later date. 99% of these attacks are caught by mod_security these days but its nice to know the applications I develop can hold their own without it.
  • WAMP. I run Linux on all my systems except my two laptops which need to run windows for proprietory software that I can’t replace. WAMP allows me to test my code live without having to connect to the net when I am working remotely. Makes things a lot faster.

With these I able to develop just about anything I need.

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